Emergency Radio Broadcasting in Australia

I can’t find it in the stories linked to there but one I saw last week when this was first coming out had a quote that the burns size had been reduced after consultations with the community and finding a balance. I’ll see if I can find that one again.


ABC Victoria again mentioning 675 Corowa as a frequency for ABC Goulburn Murray - have they switched the feed from ABC Riverina to GM?

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For some reason, ABC Radio stations in NSW haven’t appeared to be playing the SEWS tone at all throughout this bushfire season. I wonder why.

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Doesn’t appear to be the case, at the moment looks like ABC GM is relaying the national Nightlife program (despite a fire on the outskirts of Wodonga right now that is not too far from the Mt Baranduda TX), and ABC Riverina 675AM is relaying the statewide ABC NSW emergency program.


Goulburn Murray has been opting out at xx:05 and xx:45 since at least 5pm today

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I can’t remember the last time I heard SEWS for a full 15 seconds on ABC

For multiple days, it was the same as I was driving around monitoring yesterday…along with the god awful parting and rejoining program by just dragging the fader down/sticking the fader up.

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I have a feeling that this document was produced like many government documents and not effectively communicated through to all channels at the time…I have checked the lengths of SEWS provided in my local area and most are 10 seconds, in the case of ABC…whenever they have felt like they want to cut in.

Being involved in a broadcast that has called for SEWS previously, given the alerts have originated from official sources via email…we commenced SEWS alerting as soon as we had read the details and repeated at the 5 minute mark, then reverted back to 15 minute intervals unless formally requested to continue SEWS…which in Victoria’s case…the emergency services email again shortly after the last message with another message timestamped appropriately to indicate continuation of the alerting.

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Re SEWS, is it just me or does anyone else find New Zealand’s ‘Sting’ emergency warning siren more noticeable and grating?


Yuck. I prefer the Australian SEWS. The NZ one sounds like it’s out of a movie and I’d probably ignore it if I heard it.

That said, it’s probably because there’s been good promotion of the SEWS on Australian radio which is why it’s ingrained in me to pay attention to. Any other siren on radio I’d ignore.


3MGB Mallacoota has been able to restore service on 101.7- not sure if that’s from a temporary tx or not. The Genoa translator is on Maramingo Hill and is presumably off air. Looks like the Cann River ABCs (106.1/107.7) from Donald Knob are off also.

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Not the only one, Edge FM and 3NE in Wangaratta have just been running a cold station ID with “your official emergency broadcaster” before launching into the evacuation warning or emergency alert.


Due to the remerging bushfire situation on the South Coast & Snowy Mountains due to the hot weather, ABC South East is currently in emergency broadcast mode.

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SWR has Busco on for the Box Hill fire.

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Canberra 666am is now broadcast Southen canberra Bushfire.
that radio station not coverage the 6.30pm pm News Program

In Canberra, Hit104.7 has been local since before 6pm. Gemma Maddox is handing over to Bethany Larsen for continued coverage after 10pm. Wilko is doing the same over at Mix 106.3. Both FMs airing local news on the hour.

Leon Delaney broadcasting live on 2CC, with former ABC political reporter Lyndal Curtis anchoring coverage on ABC Radio Canberra.


Is snow fm, XL fm still on air? Going by the fire maps there are fires around Bredbo and Mt Roberts?


From Radioinfo:

The Labor Party says the Morrison Government inaction and buck passing in relation to emergency broadcasting in regional Australia is putting lives at risk, while the Nats are Missing In Action.

The Senate Inquiry into lessons to be learned in relation to the Australian bushfire season 2019-20 heard that the Government still has no plan to enhance emergency broadcasting in regional Australia, either in terms of ABC newsgathering, ABC broadcast site resilience or ABC Local Radio black spots.

ABC Managing Director, David Anderson, confirmed reports that the ABC has, on repeated occasions, approached the Government with a proposal to invest more in regional newsgathering if the Government reverses the ABC indexation pause but is yet to receive a response.

Read more here.