Digital Radio - Technical

Don’t know if I’m supposed to say anything or not about this, but I’m going to anyway, lol

I can’t find much information about it other than what I’ve been told (rumour) & what evidence I’ve found at a transmitter site, but apparently CBAA are going to be conducting a trial DAB broadcast from Kings Cross site in Sydney for small coverage community stations, in other words, non Sydney wide community stations broadcasting on DAB with a small coverage area (Local, same as their FM transmissions), I think it’s going to be on DAB channel 8D & they will test Vertical, Horizontal & Slant polarization transmissions.

I don’t know what the power level will be, I don’t know what the expected coverage area will be & I don’t know when it will occur, I don’t know what stations or how many will be on it, but I do know a DAB transmitter has been installed for it.

It’ll probably run under a ACMA scientific test licence?

I’m guessing it’s to see how effective it is, how much it costs for setup & operations & how efficient is would be to roll it out wide area, following along the lines of the local community stations FM transmissions & coverage. I think they are trying to do something similar to the UK’s small area DAB coverage network setup?