Daylight Saving

I find easier reverting back after DST ends, getting that hour back helps. You feel kind of short changed a bit when DST starts in losing an hour, but agree, it can take a day or two to adjust. I try going to bed an hour earlier on the night before DST starts.

Pretty much every sleep expert that’s ever been asked says that daylight saving time is not good for sleep or health, there’s usually an article at least once a year saying so (see below for some examples)

We don’t notice the effects quite as much for one hour, but the body doesn’t adjust out of sync with the sun just because we moved the clock

if we moved the clocks forward by four hours or ten hours (yes I understand this is an exaggeration), the body wouldn’t just adjust to that because of what the clock says, it doesn’t work that way

Travelling overseas is not the same thing as DST because sun phases are real and DST is not real

When are we going to have a government that does something with our crazy Timezones?

During times of the year we have 6 different time zones.
We have WA on one Timezone, a part of the Nullarbor that decided to do it’s on Timezone in 45 minute intervals, NT at a different time, SA at a different time, QLD at a different time and the rest of the country in the same time. And hold on broken hill wanted to be in SA time so changed that. It’s absolute craziness.


Not to mention some of the remote WA indigenous communities that unoffically use NT time


It’s completely crazy. All states but WA should be on the same time.

This is an unofficial timezone and impacts 3 or 4 settlements (all of which are barely anything more than a roadhouse) and less than 100 permanent residents.


Why does it need to change? It’s currently set up to suit each region/state best. Yes, it does impact some things but it seems people just want to get angry about it more than the impact it actually causes. It’s been this way for a long time (no pun intended) and whatever changes will cause negative impacts for others which may outweigh the positive impacts anyway. It seems just like people want change for change sake or a universal “solution” which as has been gone over numerous times in this thread simply isn’t possible.


This is bullshit. Cold and dark by 6:00 and it’s only April. All the businesses that were full of life last week are dead tonight. It doesn’t have to be this way.


No. Just no

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Agree wholeheartedly. I usually get home from work around 5:30pm, get changed, and head out for a walk around 6pm. Tonight it was already getting dark at 6 when I left and I had to give up early because I couldn’t see. The area was packed with people last week. Tonight there was easily less than 1/4 of the people who I saw out last week.
Restaurants and shops nearby were all very quiet this week, instead of busy like they were last week.

When I was walking back tonight, it was depressing to think it will be like this for the next 6 months. Especially given how light it was early this morning, at a time it wasn’t needed.

I hope permanent DST goes well in the USA when it’s introduced, and that flows on to its introduction here in Aus too.


For mine, I’d just like one standard time zone all year round, whether that be daylight time or standard time. The time zone changes get very messy, especially with our time zones during summer when there’s no less than six different zones, and I find I especially struggle with the shift forward in spring.
I’m a night owl so in that regard would much prefer daylight time, also find it very depressing in the middle of winter leaving work and finding it’s already half dark. Would much rather go to work in the half dark if it meant having an hour or so of daylight after finishing work.


Year-round daylight savings would help small businesses and retail especially after the last two years


No benefit to Tasmania there - leaving for work in the dark and arriving back in the dark no matter what, just more depressing because it’s a later sunrise, kids will be starting school in the dark and walking to school in the dark. Surely that’s a safety issue worth considering.

Yes, things are quiet for a few days after the change but they don’t take too long to get back. Everybody was whinging about the border reopening a few months ago and nobody was going out anymore - using the gauge of my pub events we had a couple of weeks with lower numbers which also coincided with Christmas and then it was back to normal. I’ll find out tonight from a couple of venues but I’ll probably have slightly lower numbers but then next week will be back to normal.

I’ve already noticed more people have switched to the morning walks now to get one in at 6:30 when it’s light now instead of the evening after work.

Again, there is no universal solution that works for all Australia and I think a lot of people are mergining seasonal changes with the time changes and blaming DST for them.


From a purely selfish view, Victoria should always be on AEDT and 3 hours ahead of WA.

  1. I don’t care if the sun rises at 8.30am on the winter solstice. I’d much rather have a 6pm sunset on the shortest day

  2. It would make scheduling AFL games that much easier if there could always be a 3.20pm local / 6.20pm Eastern game in Perth on a Sunday.


Spots being the reason to keep a certain time is never a good point.


Being able to see the sun before work is always going to be more beneficial to everyone’s mental health than after work.
For most people having sunlight between 5 and 6 won’t make much difference if it’s still dark at 6.


It would be beneficial to my mental health if the sun was still up when I leave work, more so than in the morning…


according to who? No one I know would say anything like that.

employment, walking the dog, sport, socialising, just leaving the house… all things good for mental health are all favoured by sun after work. Sun in the morning is sun wasted.


Decades of science regarding sleep cycles and the circadian rhythm. Waking up with sunlight has been proven to benefit both mental and physical health, alertness, productivity etc compared to waking up when it is dark (and continues to be dark for some time).

All of which still wouldn’t be viable at night in winter if the sun set at 6 given that’s the time most people would be getting home from work (if not later).


maybe in the depths of winter, but right now in April, without DLS, you need to be home from walking the dog at 6:15, which is unviable for most. keep DLS and extend it to 7:15 and you can comfortably get a lot done before it gets dark. Why ruin 6 months of the year just because there is no solution for mid-winter?

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