I think a lot of people come to Australia to make the country a better place. This whole idea of Australian exceptionalism that you engage in needs to be tempered from time to time. With basic facts.
The British radio market is less regulated than Australia’s. For Australians to be suggesting UK stations be forced to be local is a reflection of the ‘over-regulated’ mentality that many Australians have.
I don’t like this idea at all. Just as the British TV networks are in the process of decentralisation by moving programming out of London, Capital is doing the reverse in radio.
I just hope other UK commercial radio networks are not following suit.
OfCom are exactly like ACMA. Gutless, spineless, willing to bend over backwards to the industry instead of the other way around.
Thatcher would be most proud.
Oh wah wah wah. That’s their fuckin job. I have to teach boring “pastoral” crap as part of my job, shit that should be done by their parents. If them doing your job, as set out in the NZ laws, gives you the shits, then tough shit. Live with it.
If shit happens, you stop what you’re doing and follow sane instructions. Otherwise, you’re the latest entry in the Darwin Awards. Why do you think there is emergency plans in place for all media in case of emergency, like SEWS here or UK Emergency Alert System?
If we were over-regulated, every single regional radio and television station would be doing the right thing. Example - GTS/BKN would be made to reinstate their TV news bulletin.
This lead to Brexit and the election of Thatcher. But that’d neither here or there.
Australia is slowly doing this. Britain should look at us, look at ARN and SCA and say fuck that shit.
Global is run by second-rate people who are London centric. A bad move.
Given that this is the British thread, I think we all need to have a cup of tea and maybe some Tim Tams/Penguins. What was it the Brits said, something about Keep Calm And Carry On?