2016 determinations (Current since 11 April 2016):
2009 determinations (valid until 11 April 2016):
2016 determinations (Current since 11 April 2016):
2009 determinations (valid until 11 April 2016):
Mix 104.9 Darwin drive presenter Jac Bowie has resigned from the station. https://www.facebook.com/msjacbowie/photos/a.226619070736978.57600.225257994206419/1137193099679566/?type=3
did she tell anyone the reason?
MIX is going to a male-format at the end of the year
Probably resigned before she could be pushed out?
Precisely… but now stuck in Darwin without a job…
Has the boss put in a good word for you with the rest of the network Jac?
I hope there’s a gig for you really soon!
I was told yes… but… nothing yet.
Thanks Mark, trying to stay positive up here!
you’re probably seen as too young, but 2NM is after a brekky jock/copywriter.
Would you consider going to Broken Hill? I know Damian Fisher is desperate for someone to do 2BH breakfast!
Thanks Mark will look into it
Zinc 100.7 in Townsville is set to rebrand with a new name, a fresh new look & a new sound, which will be revealed during Townsville’s Top 100 Rock Songs countdown on Tuesday 6th September.
More: http://townsville.radiozinc.com.au/win/win-now/59143-townsville-s-top-100
With the above in mind, I wonder if it’s moving towards a rock format?
Strange they write it as “100 ROCK” using capitals in the copy.
My prediction is this is a hint.
ROCK 100 coming soon.
… Strange that Grants are moving away from network branding … Starting to get confusing.
Although they have just started the Star network or Northern Queensland stations.
The main argument would be that stations that don’t network content done need network branding. Though the big companies will tell you that network branding makes it easier to sell nationally.
That said, if the recent ratings in SCA/Grant markets are anything to go by, audiences would prefer good quality networked content than largely voice tracked sometimes crappy local content. But that could also be down to marketing spend too.
Upon some digging, I have discovered that Grant Broadcasters registered the business name “The Rock 100.7 FM” on February 11 (the same day they registered the star names).
They have also registered therock1007fm.com.au - though strangely no shorter forms of the domain name. Therock.com.au is already taken, but all other forms I tried are available (eg. Rock1007.com.au)
Grant Broadcasters carried out a survey in Townsville a few months back and a lot wanted rock music back on Zinc.
Though having ‘Rock’ in the name of the station means nothing to Grant.
Zinc 100.7 in Townsville has been relaunched as Power 100 with a rock format, effective from today.
More: http://www.radiotoday.com.au/news/whats-new/9606-power-100-ready-to-rock-townsville.html
It’s not like Zinc suited a rock format or anything.
That Power 100 logo…I wonder if we’ll ever get to see anything similar with the “Power FM” branded stations down South?
Yeah, probably not. But I do think they could do with a decent new logo!
In fairness, I would’ve thought the CHR Power stations would’ve been rebranded as Chilli FM by now