End of an era. For the worse IMO. The past few years haven’t been amazing changes, but Total TV, VOZ, etc have been fascinating and it’s finally been good to see bvod better represented/reported, both vod and live.
I do like seeing a city breakdown too. A shame that will go too.
We all know that people tune into a show a minute or two before a show starts (aka for Seven and Nine News, with their game shows). But i’m more interested in the average across the show, than the peaks (outside of sports).
Am I right by thinking OzTam / RegionalTam subscriptions ($$$$) to their full software will still be available for advertisers/media buyers and those wishing to, as well as the networks, where all the old metrics can be accessed, including historical?
And this announcement is more for the daily service provided by OzTam agreement to media etc (such as here at MS), as well as supplemented by network publicity? As we know Seven’s former CEO Warburton was particularly big on shutting up mediums like us from talking only about overnight broadcast numbers and ‘lowest possible numbers’ being reported.
As well as no list of mulichannels or Foxtel results there is no mention of how FTA shares will be presented in any of the reporting.
This honestly just screams of three commercial networks panicking because their medium has died much quicker than they anticipated - so hey let’s manipulate the way we report the figures using a system we all co-own.
But will advertisers fall for it?
Big shame we won’t be able to see the 5 city breakdown. how are we going to track News numbers?
In the comments from the TVTonight article, Knox said this:
Total TV Overnight Top 30 programs, which is the main area of interest will have 3 x numbers beside each show: Reach / TV National Aud / BVOD Nat Aud -the latter is broken out, but not Linear TV anymore
So one table for the Top 30.
A TV National Audience (City/Regional combined average).
To be honest, im only interested in the total average of the show atm. That’s what i am used to. Good that it will now include regionals alongside main cities (yes, a shame that metro cities wont be listed, but it is what it is).
As for Reach and BVOD - i’m not really fussed about them at this stage. I’m “old fashioned” and have little knowledge of them, but do understand that people aren’t watching TV over a longer period anymore, or are watching from other devices. So i might have to warm to these numbers soon. And these numbers may be to good use to some. I might like it sooner than later.
Also seems like a bit of a loss of autonomy for regional areas that won’t have each area reported now, not even regional BVOD and will be ‘swallowed’ up into the national figures.
The biggest beneficiaries from the changes I think will be 10 and SBS, as they can use national audience and reach to inflate numbers of underperforming shows.
That won’t last long.
The ‘new normal’ barometer for ratings will be found pretty quickly and 7/9 will continue to dominate that.
Should be pretty equal footing if everyone is talking about peak audiences. Seven will get a big lift from its regional TV dominance and the focus on national rather than 5-city numbers.
So its a bit hard to understand, so there will be a total number for each show for a national audience? So we all know Seven wins in regional so 5city+regional+BVOD = total number?
This is really bad news for everyone except the networks.
Yep. Agree. Bad news expect to the actual viewer.
Lets see the three commercial networks spin the ratings even more. We will probably see crap like this from each:
Reach is the best indicator in the ratings. Our platform (7Plus. Nine’s version, 10Play etc) are the best. We got X hits, despite it being 5 seconds long… etc. Noone watches normal tv anymore.
I still think the 5 city breakdown should be provided with this information
James Warburton has been pushing this way for some years now, and he has finally gotten in.
A quote from the article:
“The new VOZ reports will rank programs by audience reach (they will also give average total TV audience numbers nationally). Reach is the key performance metric for advertisers, and reach-ranked viewership provides a more comparable metric to other media, in particular online.
So the new Top 30 is “reach only”, with someone watching a particular show for 1 minute, compared to an average watching the show, which will be listed separately (or in a panel next to it)?
So really, 2.5 million could watch Seven and Nine News Headlines at the beginning of their 6pm News, then switch off, and that’s the number we will see (us in this forum can hopefully read between the lines)? Same to the last minute or two for The Chase Aus and Tipping Point Aus? Silly really.
I expect each show to have a reach figure and an average figure with the ranking order based on the reach.
Thanks for the response. It’s made it a bit clearer, which is good.
As soon as we get used to one way of reporting, they come up with another way of reporting. Booo hisss to that. lol.
I’m hoping it will be easy sailing for you come Monday with the new way we these ratings @TV.Cynic
The numbers will for sure be inflated because some viewers will only tune in for 1 minute, not good for advertisers