Responding to Lilly Vitorovich in The Australian
In today’s edition of The Australian media reporter Lilly Vitorovich has an interview with Liberal Senator David Van calling for an “independent complaints organisation” to be set up to handle complaints against the ABC.
The report is fundamentally wrong on one obvious point. There already is an organisation separate from the ABC that considers complaints: the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA).
If this story had been published by the ABC it would be in breach of the ABC’s editorial standards, specifically in the area of Fair and Honest Dealing, as the journalist did not disclose her interview with Senator Van or offer the ABC a reasonable right of reply on what she intended publishing.
It’s also regrettable that the majority of the information the ABC provided was ignored by the reporter, who clearly does not understand the relevant complaints procedures.
For the record, here are the questions received from The Australian :
‘ “I’m writing a story about the editorial complaint process at the ABC for Monday’s Media section.
Re the 1500+ editorial complaints that the ABC received last year, can you say how many complaints were about the Q&A episode hosted by Virginia Trioli last year in June, which included Communications Minister Paul Fletcher? The pair discussed whether the ABC’s annual budget was cut or not.
At what point does the ABC’s complaints investigation unit Audience and Consumer Affairs unit refer a complaint matter to ACMA?
Also, are you able to say who runs the ABC’s complaints investigation unit Audience and Consumer Affairs unit? The ABC describes it as an “independent complaints investigation unit”. How is it independent when it’s within the ABC.
I’d appreciate a response by Sunday lunchtime.”
And here is the full response the ABC provided:
Our Editorial complaints management policies and processes are clearly set out in the ABC Annual Report 2020 (pages 101-102).
The ABC’s Editorial Policies, editorial reviews and complaints handling procedures are designed to ensure the highest editorial standards across all content. This approach is central to the high level of trust Australian audiences place in the ABC.
The ABC’s Audience and Consumer Affairs unit is independent of all content teams. In responding to a complaint, the Audience and Consumer Affairs unit seeks relevant information from the appropriate content team (in keeping with expectations of procedural fairness) but does not answer to content directors. The unit is authorised to issue its own determinations of whether content has breached the ABC’s editorial standards.
The ABC received 17 complaints about the Q&A (29 June 2020) episode you have referenced. Of these, 13 warranted investigation, and no breach of editorial standards were found.
Your question about ACMA indicates you don’t understand the relationship between the two organisations. Members of the public who complain to the ABC about matters covered by the ABC Code of Practice and who are dissatisfied with the ABC’s response, or who do not receive a response to their complaint within 60 days, may seek review from ACMA. The ABC does not refer matters to ACMA – complainants approach ACMA directly.