Wow this is just getting messier for Today.
Messier or are they cleaning up the mess?
Probably cleaning up the mess. It’ll be interesting if they’re going to a whole new direction of Today & Today Extra. Or just keep it plain Jayne.
Wonder if the departure of Matt Doran from the Seven Network last year has anything to do with this. Interesting to see if it was planned or not.
Also makes me wonder if Seven has plans for Doran in the US. I also know he was formerly based in LA prior to joining Seven in 2017.
Wasn’t it reported he wanted to make documentaries in the US?
Daily Mail have done an article on the news out of Nine today, as typical with random sources and for some reason focussed it on Matt Doran rather than Kendall Bora when talking about her appointment in the US.
Comments to the article also all refer to Doran and are supportive of him, saying they miss watching him on WS and giving best of luck to the couple.
There is also a strange comment suggesting a rumour that Mike Amor is stepping down from Seven News Melbourne weekend news for family reasons and that Doran will be the replacement.
It is a strange headline, but I doubt the author Steve Jackson (formerly of Seven, Spotlight) had anything to do with that as it is the DM after all.
With a story focusing on Kendall’s exit, rather than the other announcements at Nine today, Matt’s name likely used for recognition factor.
Also plays into his abrupt exit from Weekend Sunrise, and arguably the larger issues at Today.
Any guesses who will be their new EP??
Matthew Russell, Weekend Today EP?
Wow. I remember when Michael Best was a junior reporter for 7 in Bundaberg Qld.
So are we going of the way of the UK where they can jail someone for an offensive Facebook post? Damn…
I’m backing the law if they can arrest people for posting things that are off topic or belong in political threads.
If it was on the show this morning its on topic of their programming and stories.
The construction and content of the show yes, not the issues themselves champ. You’ve been here long enough to know that.
Yesterday, Today recorded their highest national rating since one day in November last year (and before that, the best since the Olympics).
In the 5 city market Today had its first win *by 1,000).
The “line-up” that runs before 8am didn’t go to plan this morning. With no video playing for the final segments.
A couple of examples of the 7am headline run through. Format is a bit inconsistent; sometimes it is mainly crosses to reporters, other times has a studio component.
How boring if it’s the same everyday.
The show has become pretty boring tbh