
You have a good memory lol and its starting to make a bit more sense. Lisa was on break during her negotiations maybe forced or on her request and Karl was also away which is weird cause they always had at least one main host on if one was away unless it was the Xmas break so that was obvious something was up. Karl was overseas? and extended his holiday and the first time they did see each other was Lisa’s last morning. So Karl probably had an inkling of what was about to happen so didn’t want to go and pretend everything was fine, Lisa was froze out by not being given interviews on her final day (perhaps the week) and because of the relationship obviously being beyond repair and not being able to agree to Lisa’s contract they let her go? It was weird they would have someone come back for one day at the start of the week after a break then fire them. I assume it was decided on after that show?

But then again Karl and Lisa had a catch up lunch later on so was that set up by Ben and his brother who is Lisa’s manager?

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With the benefit of hindsight, something may have been up as early as December 2016 when Lisa Wilkinson was interviewed about the closure of Dolly Magazine on The Project rather than A Current Affair.

Of course with so many conflicting reports and opinions, I doubt we’ll ever know the real story behind Lisa’s decision to switch networks over four years ago. As far as I know, none of us were privy to what was said during those negotiation meetings between networks, while it seems very highly unlikely that anyone who actually was there (like Wilkinson or her manager) will ever set the record straight here on Media Spy…as much as that would be really good of course.

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Or Lisa just had a weeks break after her vow renewal.

Regardless of how it came about the way regardless of how it happened off screen the way she was dumped on screen showed such a lack of disrespect for a long serving host and just highlights how badly things must have been to have broken down behind the scenes to not permit a final farewell show.

Of course too all the rebuttals of Lisa’s vesion of events does is give her book more publicity and boost it’s sales. Had the Nine publicity machine kept quiet it would probably no longer be a matter of discussion.

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omg chill dude.

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I suspect that if Richard Wilkins was to have an ancestry report, he would find out that his forebears were 11% Botox and 24% fillers.


what’s the connection? The Project was doing the story?

Oh sorry I’ll change that now.

Lol I was chilled . Trust me you’d know if I was not chilled.

I probably should explain why I refuse to go to a book store I haven’t been vacced yet and I’m still apprehensive about it despite all the studies and talking with my doctor so basically I’m still in isolation at home . I will get it soon though . But just not yet . I’m not anti vax or anything.

Well it’s interesting cause Karl pretty much got the same fate as Lisa. Once she left he was blamed for it, the media hounded him for his divorce, they kept going on about how he and Georgie hated each other and he was a casualty of the me too movement as in men are bad in general. Today went woke and put on an all female team which didn’t work and Karl was dumped in a similar fashion. Did he even have a farewell episode? I cant remember. I honestly did not think he would be back, he’s lucky and now hes building the show up again so obviously went on a lesser deal with less roles at nine. Lisa won out in the end.

But thats the media again, they focus on one small part of the book where I’m sure Lisa wrote the book intended to cover her whole life (as the title suggests) for people who are interested in reading and look up to her. The most I know about Karl is “Karl Cooks”



What the hell has this thread turned into…


Correct. Your quote is a lie. Sorted.

It’s gone to shit :rofl:


TAPE SHOWS you should wait for her book to come out, and if your not willing to read it then you should stop commenting

This whole forum has gone to shit.

People need to stop taking it so seriously…


We need a break. @moderators, can this be shut so we can cool off for a while?

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Monday 25 October 2021 - Tuesday 26 October 2021
Sylvia Jeffreys filling in for Allison Langdon.