The Project

They’ve done it before in summer. Hopefully not a permanent arrangement.

Not a loss if he has been dropped but they need a replacement. We don’t need Rove to have more air time.


They had three hosts occasionally during the pandemic. I didn’t mind it actually. But you’d have to get a good combo. Now that I know, I will check it out one Friday night and see if it’s any better

I think they should consider using new talent on Friday nights. Invite people who haven’t done the show before as a way to find new panellists.


That was a quiet axing.

Of Michael Hing? I agree.

It’s taken us two months to realise that he wasn’t on the show anymore, without any signs he was gone in here.


Yet to see Kate too :thinking::lion::leopard::deciduous_tree:

Kate Langbroek? Wasn’t she on it in November and December though?

The show has only been on air for 5 days this year. Maybe just on holidays?


Waiting for the Daily Fail article Dramatic axing of The Project host


Rove has been making noise for a while behind the scenes wanting to do less news and more of him basically on nights he is there. Looks like he’s got his way.

He owns the show, right?

He is frustrating to watch because he hijacks the conversations and goes off on a tangent. He thinks he is being funny but most often he is not.


His production company does, but Reg Grundy didn’t insist on being on Neighbours every Friday and changing the format to suit his limited talents. 10 are the ones who can call the shots on this.


Absolutely fair. Somethings happened though for him to get his way.

Maybe he wanted his own show on 10 again and this is their compromise?

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Instead of going to three presenters on Fridays, they could have dropped Rove and hired two others. :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s been 15 years since he last had a successful show and nothing has worked since, would by my guess. And nobody wants to foot the bill for his style of programme anymore, so this is what he can do instead.

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And they’ve given him the lowest rating night too. He can’t do too much damage to the product there I guess.


Glad we can all agree that Rove isn’t as “funny” as he used to be. He does seem to hijack the show a fair bit these days. And putting him on Fridays is the network’s best offer for him, i guess, without giving him his own show.


I reckon that’s exactly what’s happening. It’s a compromise deal and Hing was collateral damage.

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I think they need to give him a show somewhere. Maybe scheduled against the 6pm news on Saturdays - maybe call it The Weekly Project. Just an idea

this has been suggested so many times we’ve even got it in our FAQs