
Courier Mail reporting that Sally Pearson is joining Sunrise.

Sally Pearson joins Sunrise after 7 Gold Coast News axing

For now, the job will be part-time, presenting weekly segments from Gold Coast events, but speaking to The Sunday Mail, she said she was keen to see where it leads and promised viewers they would get to see “the real Sally Pearson”.

Pearson said she “cried my eyes out”after Channel 7’s Gold Coast news service was axed, but was determined not to give up on her new career.

She was seen recently reporting for the show


2/2/2025 Michael Usher co-presenting with Monique this morning.


Sunrise had the Queensland Premier on this morning (he was on Today on Saturday). Not sure the interview needed as much promotion across the morning as it got :smile:

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Crisafulli was also on Today this morning.

Matt presenting sport. No cross to NQ until 6am news.


What’s with these full screens, prompting David Crisafulli?
I know they’re happy he won but seems a bit OTT.


He is Queensland’s saviour. :angel: At least until the polls drop and then they turn on him. :imp: That’s how it works in populist media now.

I very rarely watch Sunrise these days, but anytime I do catch it, Shirvo is really off putting. I cant put my finger on what it is, but hes hard to watch. Even in small doses.


I think I’d prefer Sam and Kochie era. They had great chemistry plus I grew up with them via show’s social media


I think it has been the case for a while now that the weekend team is stronger than the weekday team.

You’d have to be very careful though to mess with the a formula that is winning.

Matt is still relatively new to the role and i’m quite sure he will not be going anywhere any time soon.

Nat on the other hand… she’s been doing early mornings for 22+ years. She’d be entitled to give up the role whenever she chooses.

At that point, Mon gets the top job and sunrise becomes bubbly and chirpy again.


Remember it would’ve been 5am local time.

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Sunrise’s GC cam

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Gemma Acton with Early News

Samm Kerr tial is the number one story


Seriously what is with the Lotto stories all the time :roll_eyes:

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Makes for some good news, I guess? Someone winning 100 million is pretty significant, also helps that 7 air the lotto results :wink:

Was also on Today this morning, Lara Vella did a brief story on it from the soft set area.


Sunrise reporter Katie Brown has revealed she needed urgent medical attention after suffering two bluebottle stings twice in a week.

Brown was stung twice in one week, on January 27 and February 3, at Freshwater beach in Sydney.

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I also think the transition from Mel to Sam was seamless because Sam was such an integral part of the weekday show as primary fill in for Mel and Nat.

Shirvo is getting better but up until he was named I was convinced that Matt Doran was Kochie’s heir apparent. He’s only started filling in for Kochie on Fridays shortly before getting the permanent gig and after the Adele-Doran fallout. Viewers didn’t necessarily have the same years-long intro to Shirvo so he almost feels somewhat random as Kochie’s replacement over the alternatives.


So did anyone actually see the big announcement of the new Sunrise family member? Was it the fashion expert or Sally Pearson or someone else?

That’s a few times now that someone else has presented the Early News then Eddy is there for Sunrise at 5.30.

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It was Trinny Woodall.

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