Seven News Presenters and Reporters (2015-Sept 2020)

Quality of news, what stories they report on, managing staff, etc.

It all counts at 6PM.

I know that. But it sounds like you have something against them just because they have had so many COS. I’m sure they are important but how does that affect your viewing? Perhaps you know them and they mistreated you or something like that?

Who’s gone thtough the COS role in recent years.

CoS only manages the crews out on the field, assigns which story goes to which journo, and pass on news tips to the producers. The news director and the producers are behind the content of the bulletin, not the CoS.


I did not say it.

Mitchell? Is that you? :thinking:

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This comment I stand by, happily. The suggestion that it is “always insecure men who feel the need to pass judgement” is factually inaccurate.

What I don’t understand is how you go from that to a full-blown attack on me. Please quote the part of this discussion where I made a comment about any presenter that you deemed to be inappropriate. Never did I target women, or gay men (seriously, wtf?) in fact I think I made it quite clear that I think all presenters should be held to the same standard (and generally I think they are here on the forum).

My point was simply that anybody who choses a job that is in the public eye should expect judgement and vitriol at times. You might not like that (I certainly don’t) but it’s the way it is.

And for what it’s worth -

My opinion is that Jacquie is not “able and apt” to be a 6pm news presenter. I find her presentation to be stilted and uncomfortable to watch, her reading is often poorly paced and she lacks authority behind the desk.

Disclaimer - my opinion has nothing to do with the fact that she is a woman.


Jim Wilson presented sport in Sydney on Wednesday & Thursday this week.

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Emily Angwin will be presenting the Afternoon News in Melbourne today


Friday & Saturday -
Blake Johnson is presenting in Melbourne with Melina Sarris presenting weather.


Today’s Herald Sun has a double page feature interview with Jane Bunn.


Saturday (28.07.2018) - Sunday (29.07.2018): Katrina Blowers is presenting in Queensland this weekend.


Mark Beretta presenting sport on Seven News at 5 and Sydney news.


Melina Sarris presenting weather in Melbourne tonight.


A bit of a simplification if the COS position. Arguably 2IC in the newsroom behind the news director and probably has a more hands on role with stories, crews and reporters than the news director. The EP, director and COS would be deciding what story to chase and what to ignore. The COS plays a huge role in what you see on air.

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Just described from what I observed during my internships. :thinking:

These days the news director and EP are usually one and the same person. You’ll have a line up producer putting the bulletin to air with the EP guiding the ship in the newsroom.

As for the COS, they’re usually the first one in in the morning and the last one out.

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Chances of Lee Lin Chin joining Seven News Melbourne as Friday - Saturday presenter in he next few weeks or so?


Monday -
Angie Asimus is presenting Morning News.

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Isn’t she Sydney based?