Thanks for the vids.
Never liked “Your NBN” when the channel isn’t even called that anymore. It’s just dumb.
Thanks for the vids.
Never liked “Your NBN” when the channel isn’t even called that anymore. It’s just dumb.
If it was really “your” NBN (as in it belongs to me), I’d jettison Gavin Morris into the sun, and have Ray Dineen and Mike Rabbitt piped into my house using the NBN box.
If it were me, I would have kept Paul Lobb. Gavin, would be retained (possibly as sports presenter) and this is only because Mike and Ray are probably enjoying retirement. If they wanted to do guest spots, i would be happy to have them
That bit I was kidding about. I make that joke about having the NBN in my house.
I would’ve too. Gavin could’ve stayed as weather presenter, he’s in the same boat as Daniel Gibson to me - annoying as all hell as anything other than a weather presenter.
for me, Gavin could have been Sports Presenter as I dont watch sports news
Nah, NBN have had some good sports presenters post-Mike.
Have Gavin present Nines 5am News weekdays?
Yeah, Jim Callinan was probably their best. Kate Haberfield and Adam Murray were okay too, didn’t like Mitchell Hughes much though, just seemed a bit wooden to me.
As for Gavin Morris, he’s fine in that he reads/ speaks well, but I’m not sure why they still seem to insist on having a meterologist for weather, TCN hasn’t had one since Alan Wilkie.
And Gavin as far as I know isn’t a journalist, I really think you should have to come up thorough the reporting ranks to be considered for the newsreader gig. Thus I’m not a fan of the way he was given that role, to me, he lacks authority because of that lack of journalist cred.
Paul Lobb, a bit the opposite to Gavin, has the journalistic cred, but news reading delivery not as good, just looked a bit too cheerful to me.
I have met Paul Lobb once, nice guy, comes across as very welcoming. Probably the type of guy you would laugh at if you saw him getting angry because it wouldnt look natural
Watched NBN News tonight.
Thought it was interesting that they led with the QLD shark victim news - also noted that when the QLD Premier appeared on screen in the report that the super said “Premier” (rather than “QLD Premier”).
Thought they would have led with the Jo Haylen resignation like ABC 7pm NSW did (Nine Sydney led with the factory fire at St Marys). The Sydney fire was 2nd in the NBN bulletin, Jo Hsylen was 3rd.
I suspect these things are a result of the bulletin being produced in QLD?
Mitchell Huges is very down to earth and cool in person, he might have been over the late nights and extra work he had to do. He is at the Newcastle Council now doing 9 to 5, he is much happier. NBN News hours may not suit everyone.
I the “Your News” “More Live, More Local” video… well produced
Tyson filed a report for the Sydney bulletin tonight (on the hearing a South West Rocks murder in Newcastle Courthouse).
Haven’t seen him on Nine News before, but hope to see more of the senior NBN News journalists on the 6pm Sydney bulletin.
Yep heaps of times - he actually used to work for 9News as well!