Nine Radio (Music)


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According to their website, yes

Yes but if you go to the second page of the shows listed there is another drive show listed with what look like Brisbane based hosts (I’m from Victoria and have no idea who they are… :stuck_out_tongue:)

Mark Braybrook and Stephanie Brantz

What an absolute mess :joy:


Ox and Marko hosted drive on SEN for many years. Ox (David Schwarz) previously played AFL for Melbourne Demons.

Us members in Syd or Bris can switch on and check, it’s now drive time

And the verdict is?

The online streaming on their website right now seems to indicate they are on in Syd and Brisbane. But what’s actually on 954 and 882?

I think Mary Braybrook and Stephanie Brantz were only on during the Commonwealth Games, with Mark Allen and David Schwarz national from this this week.

Why would you bother

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For the benefit of Media Spy members, the Melbourne team is on 882 in Brisbane.

Lots of Melbourne callers welcoming the two males back to radio.

Grabbed a brief tune in at 4:20pm, a male caller said a coach was F___'d, they laughed their way through that one.

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There’s unlikely to be a listener complaint about that F bomb, because I don’t think anyone would have heard it.


Definitely a tonne of calls coming through for MSR Drive.

So long as the boys can get the balance right with AFL and NRL then they may actually do alright in Sydney and Brisbane.

It’s refreshing to now have an additional point of difference when it comes to radio in these cities.

Really!!, surely “rent-a-crowd” or the same callers on a loop. If Macquarie are true to form they will realise that dead air rates better and will start cutting costs until there is nothing left to cut. My prediction is that by July they will be spinning “frisky discs” on automation.


Lol. I was talking about Mark Braybrook and Stephanie Brantz. I don’t know who they.

I’m a regular SEN listener so of course I know who Ox and Marko are.

Stephanie started out as a sports reporter on SBS, went to Nine, Fox then ABC. Mark commentated for Seven at Rio and the Rugby League World Cup.

Interested to know your thoughts about the new lineup - especially drive. Almost two seasons in - is it worth a listen (over strong competition from Macquarie)?

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I like it as an alternative to SEN. On my lunch break I’ve been flicking between SEN and MSR a bit this week and have enjoyed the afternoon show with Shane McInnes (and the other 2). It has more variety of sports discussed compared to SEN which gets very AFL heavy this time of year.

I’ve only briefly sampled Ox and Marko and haven’t listened to the new Melbourne/Perth breakfast show yet to comment.

When you do, you’ll notice there’s nothing Perth about it. It’s all Melbourne.

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Interesting choice of slogan I’d say,



You can have all the Tim you’d like. Which Tim, I don’t know…