Federal Politics

Worse off by thousands and thousands is what has been estimated.

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So today there was a motion put forward by Allegra Spender condemning Antisemitism and all forms of racism which is absolutely justified. Then we have the Coalition having a whinge about the fact that Albo himself didn’t move it and accusing him of being ‘weak’. And then they wanted to move an amendment that removes ‘all forms of racism’ and only condemn antisemitism.

I abhor all forms of racism, antisemitism in particular (and it means a lot to me personally, having met holocaust survivors personally during uni days), but these sort of tactics by the Coalition disgusts me. Politicizing antisemitism to score a point :roll_eyes:


Says it all.

Also why isn’t the stupid ‘Business lunch tax break’ dud that the Coalition was able to regurgitate out as some sort of election-winning ‘policy’ getting pilloried by the media and everyone? It should be laughed out and portrayed as some sort of ‘clambering to the 1% and forgetting the working and middle class thing’, instead it’s being treated like something legit and acceptable in this cost of living day and age.

The media is far too nice to them yet they latch onto Labor for even moving one finger.

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This is what Labor needs to do. Tear them into shreds over their so-called ‘policies’ (or lack of them). Surely some policies are better than the none that the Coalition are proposing, but then again voters were stupid enough to vote Scomo back in 2019.

Trump used ‘Kamala is for they/them, Trump is for you’ to his benefit. Perhaps Albo needs to copy that and go along with ‘Peter Dutton is for Gina Rinehart and Clive Palmer, Albo is for you and your family’ or something like that.

I wonder if people are picking up how he is being a Temu trump. I don’t think this is going to end well for him. He was gaining real ground before going down the trump route. I don’t think the majority of Australians want a trump here in Australia.

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Or if polls are anything to go by, they’re stupid enough to want one, if only because they seem to hate Albo more even if he’s finally picked up his game.

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Albaneses minority government is now the most likely outcome on betting websites, they seem to get it more right than polls.

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Depending on the type of minority, it might not be as bad as it sounds. If it was like 72-75 seats with the Coalition still staying around high 50s-low 60s then Labor’s still got the upper hand. It’s when it gets to a 66-66 tie or something like 2010 (which was 72-72) that the problems start.


Thats an insult to Temu. Occasionally Temu has usedul stuff. Dutton is useless and open to kowtowing to Chinese immigration grifters.

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The Greens having the balance of power in the next government would be the worst possible outcome.


And here’s what I was talking about.

Fuck off you mutant baked potato.

I’m for a decent number of immigrants coming in, but not if they jump the queue like this, not if it’s solely for economic reasons in areas we don’t need them in (more construction workers, less delivery drivers for example), and not until infrastructure is brought up to scratch to handle new migrants.

i’m still waiting to hear any policies to make my life better from Temu Trump. all ive heard is more migrants, higher power prices (nuclear) or tax write offs for business lunches. nothing for those of us struggling to buy a home, or with disabled kids, or anything


Simple he hasn’t really got any policies or plans. And that is why it is dangerous if anyone votes for him.


This is what they do. They gain power by stealth. Play the small target. Comment on culture wars and then implement an oppressive regime. Dutton is pure evil. I’ve never seen anyone more devoid of competence, empathy, compassion or anything resembling a decent human beings


If there’s a rate cut on Feb 18 then Albo & Co won’t need to do anything. They’ll be in the box seat.

Anthony Albanese makes shock diplomatic appointment

Anthony Albanese will appoint Nationals MP Keith Pitt as Ambassador to the Holy See in a shock diplomatic appointment.

Defying convention by naming a former opponent, Mr Albanese will follow in the footsteps of the Rudd government that also appointed a Nationals MP to the then newly-created diplomatic post at the Vatican,

possible dates listed are:

March 29 (after interest rate decision)
April 5
April 12
May 3, May 10, and May 17 are all possibilities, but they bring easter into the campaign and the government would have to bring down a budget (scheduled for March 25)

basically once the reserve bank annouce an interest rates decison on the 18th the “whill he, won’t he” Dunrussel drive watch will start

But I thought Pitt resigned for ‘family reasons’ and had something waiting in the private sector?

Clearly not.