Did They Really Just Play That?

2JJJ-FM certainly would have played that song back in the 80s, along with a host of other electro/dance/early hip hop that doesn’t get much of an airing anywhere now. This is the sort of stuff that Double J should play as a matter of course (of course) but as it stands, ‘Rockit’ would be a notable departure even for them.


This song has been mentioned on this thread before but On Triple M’s OzTober Goat Top 100 countdown just a moment ago…


You never know what they’ll play next!

I can’t believe The Wiggles are on Triple M!

(as per their sweepers in 2005 from their original Jack FM format).


Unusual for an older skewing community station like Coast FM Gosford to play something so recent (2011 hit by Kelly Clarkson).

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LOL! For a radio network that’s marketing themselves as a real rock radio station, have a look at what Triple M from Perth just played! The RDS doesn’t lie! :laughing:

Though some results have suggested that this is rock, there are also a lot of other results suggesting that this is a pop song, hence why I posted this here.

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Perth changed their format from rock to alternative because the ratings were poor (as you may also note the “Prrths Real Alternative” positioner in the RDS text below).

I posted in another thread recently about this song as it really perplexes me. It gets played on soft SC stations all the time, and I heard it recently on Breeze. To me it doesn’t fit its soft SC/pop classification at all and really sticks out on those stations. I kind of think it fits the Triple M format more, especially the Perth format. I can definitely imagine FM104 playing it if it was around in the 80s, on high rotation probably.


It’s also a fun candidate for stations that don’t pay close enough attention to the lyrics, as some Christian stations have been known to take the title at face value…

Not at all a weird one for Triple M to play though, and Perth more so, will probably hear it on the likes of Gold/WSFM soon too.


I heard Katy Perry’s new song “Lifetimes” on RAW FM today… now I didn’t think they played mainstream artists/hits?

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An encore of the countdown was played today.


A couple of good rarer tracks in there too… The Saints and Yothu Yindi the main ones.


Hearing Slim Dusty - Pub With No Beer on 3MMM today was quite the shock, but all related to this countdown I believe


I can’t listen to Triple M anymore. They’ve just got no dignity

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I don’t mind it when they go off format like that, much preferable to hearing “Summer of 69” for the bazillionth time.


Can I have neither? :laughing:. Slim Dusty is just a bridge too far for me I love variety but that’s just too much.

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Fair enough :slightly_smiling_face:

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Does this mean you’re back in the land of real cool changes and Sherrins?

Apologies for the double post. Here’s a very historic entry: ‘I’m Only Shooting Love’ by Time Bandits and ‘Sweet Dreams’ by Eurythmics, both on fBi from 2004:

The show ‘Cratediggers’ was quite a good listen. I don’t think there’s anything like that on fBi these days. ‘I’m Only Shooting Love’ was the 12’’ version too.


Belongs in the “Great Songs” thread, especially in 12 inch form!


Love it. Along with Endless Road