Best. Radio Manawatu.
Worst. The Rowville upstart.
Who’s copying who?
Personally, I think the 3MP one looks better (but I can see why you prefer the other one ).
I still think these 2 are the absolute worst station logos in Australia. What annoys me most is they don’t even try to differentiate the two stations and use the same colour!! WTH. Just pick one of the endless number of other colours instead of the same orange for Bay FFS.
Take your pick…
…from the Safe Door, circa 1992, at the former 3ZE Station, Tancred Street Ashburton, NZ. The building belonged to The Loan Society, hence the need for a safe. They probably had the most secure prize cupboard in all of NZ!
Apologies for the size of the photo… if only I could get my hands on the negative!
Edit: scrap 1992, it might have been the late 80’s
I don’t mind the Bay FM one, but yeah, the K-Rock one is just … looks like something they should have used that on the old Super K department stores back in the 80s.
(and I don’t need to add that K-Rock badly needs a new name).
I think if K-Rock’s format was more like Triple M Perth/original Nova96.9 format, then it could still work under that name.
But too much pop and it’s silly.
95.5 The Cat!
there was some discussion around these parts about Radio 97/2MW. Here’s a pretty ugly looking logo from said station. No idea what year this is from, maybe late-70s?
Source: ORIGINAL RETRO STICKER 70s 80s JUNK DECAL 97.2MW Gold Living On The Coast Tweed | eBay
That red text could read anything… the 9 kind of looks like an 0, the M sort of looks like an A and the W could be a V.
But then I can’t talk, I’ve been known to unwittingly make a 7 look like a 4 with my (questionable) handwriting.
Yeah I’d say mid 70s judging by the lettering. The 97 already very prominent in the branding too, before dropping the 2MW
This idea of combining the callsign number with the frequency was also tried with 2BL Sydney (ie 702BL) which wasn’t good, but at least there’s no ambiguity with the frequency.
In this case with 2MW, is it 972AM or 97.2FM? That point in the logo suggests the latter when it’s actually the former.
True, but remember this logo was before FM was a thing in Australia
Reminds me of an old Super Radio Network map which listed the 2DU Cobar frequency as 97.2FM, when it was 972am.
IIRC, 3SRFM in Shepparton used to do the same as something like 95.3SRFM. Of course now it’s all just Triple M or whatever
1985 was a big year for 2MW - settled into their new digs at Tweed Heads, got a new sound… and new logo.
Philip Brady was one of 2MW’s announcers at the time.
Update - I uploaded a short clip
When it comes to stations that incorporated their frequency and callsign…
in addition to 92.3EON-FM… there’s a few others. And these are certainly contenders for ‘dodgy logo’ status:
92.2XS FM
I’ve got some old 2XS/92.2XS stickers floating around somewhere, once I find them I’ll post them to our MediaSpy NZ Radio history museum.
Using the frequency worked so well for 1ZM and 3ZM, 2ZM thought they’d try it as well.