April Fools’ Day

I know it’s still a fair bit away, but there are certain shows that have pulled off certain pranks/jokes on April Fools Day in years past.

From what I can remember -

2004: Sunrise co-host David Koch grew some fake hair and a moustache.
2008: Mel and Nat swapped roles, as did Kochie and Mark Beretta. So this meant Sunrise was co-hosted by Mark and Nat, Mel read the news and Kochie did sport.

What I think Sunrise should do in 2020 -

  • Swap out the weekday team for the weekend team (this year it falls on a Wednesday), though city reporters/correspondents will remain.
  • Seven should also swap the presenting teams of The Morning Show and The Daily Edition for that day.

Nine could also do likewise with their Today/Weekend Today teams.


The ABC could show some ad’s!
(Fake ones, of course, in the guise of going commercial).


My favourite was in 2001 when Triple J’s Breakfast hosts Adam Spencer and Wil Anderson swapped roles with Network Ten’s Cheez TV hosts (Ryan and Jade) for the morning.


April Fools’ Day in 2001 fell on a Sunday. I doubt Cheez TV would’ve been shown that morning, unless there was also a weekend edition.

From the information I can find, Ten (but not regional NSW/ACT affiliates, who opted out for religious programming) was airing something under the banner of “The Big Cheez” on Sunday mornings in 2001. Would this count as a Sunday morning version of Cheez TV?

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It’s February.