And the late news given the current time difference with it being available @ 10 on 10Play……and later on 10
Oh god…
Wonder if we’ll see a return of or if it’ll be Looks like they own the latter now.
Plausible now that isn’t a porn site.
They own (redirects to 10 Play), so they could use that
Did they ever really own though? Or was there original website always ?
Original site was redirects to 10play also.
I know. Hence why I said it’s plausible to use without people accidentally going to the porn site.
That sites not porn though!?
but the domain name used to be part of a porn site
could always go
“Watch live at 7:30 or stream later on 10”
kinda thinking the Channel 4 UK approach here
Channel 4 says “stream or watch live at [time]” which is very clean and clear. Can easily drop one or the other depending on what the program is.
American networks didn’t have different names for their online services services either (except for Fox with FoxNow), until they all started their own separately branded streaming services. The CW always said “on The CW or stream next day on The CW app”.
It’s a good idea ditching 10play, every network having its own online brand along with all the other streaming platforms has become one over saturated market.
Ah ok thanks
It was porn in the 2010s.
Which I’m assuming is why they didn’t use during that period - if someone accidentally typed they’d be on a very different streaming service
I guess given how much cost cutting they did during that time they probably though having everything on TenPlay was enough, and didn’t warrant two websites.
Get in quick and watch Seasons 1 and 2 on demand, plus classic episodes, interviews and more
All the action of WOW - Women Of Wrestling is on 10 Play right now, but only until Monday 16th of September, so sit back, buckle up and enjoy this weekend.
I see everyone here has given that link a click. Great investigation team
Case in point