10 Bold Drama - Programs and Schedules

Is that like the weekend version of Entertainment Tonight called Entertainment This Week? Do they still have that? Originally in Australia, they only showed the weekly ETW.

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CSI: Vegas final season has an airdate:

Sunday 24 November at 10:20pm


Has been called ET Weekend since 1991, but yes it’s still around.


New promo for Blue Bloods final season aired tonight on main channel during NCIS.

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Evil - Season 4

Monday 9 December 12:15 am overnight

The end is coming.

Evil is a psychological mystery that examines the origins of evil along the dividing line between science and religion. The series focuses on a skeptical female psychologist who joins a priest-in-training and a contractor as they investigate the Church’s backlog of unexplained mysteries, including supposed miracles, demonic possessions and hauntings. Their job is to assess if there is a logical explanation or if something truly supernatural is at work.

The series stars Katja Herbers (Kristen Bouchard), Mike Colter (David Acosta), Aasif Mandvi (Ben Shakir), Michael Emerson (Leland Townsend), and Christine Lahti (Sheryl Luria).

The poor scheduling of these pretty decent shows will never make sense to me, obviously just burning the eps off before the end of the year?


It’s repeats crap channel it was only good from 2011-2014 when it was called channel 11.

New content generally doesn’t rate except perhaps sport to reach particular demographics.

Time to move Neighbours here as its drama.

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But it’s also comedy. :wink: This is the reason why it’s stupid that they added the Drama and Comedy to the channel titles.

10 Peach Comedy also screens game, reality, chat and cooking shows, Entertainment Tonight and home shopping.

10 Bold Drama also shows sport, lifestyle shows, news and home shopping.

Yeah but I think having a drama channel makes sense and having it scheduled drama all the time isn’t hard. Call it 10 Drama or something and have Neighbours at like 6:30 and 10:30 each night as the anchor and then have the library content and drama movies complement this. Have sports, comedy, repeats of 10 content of 10 Peach (but change its name). Make it easier for people to find the content!

The Comedy and Drama tags are restrictive. They should have realised that when ABC 2 became ABC Comedy.

But then again, the ABC keep repeating their mistakes with constant rebrands.
ABC 2 > ABC Comedy > ABC TV Plus > ABC Family.
ABC 3 > ABC ME > ABC Entertains.
Just keep making stupid mistakes.


Promo running on main channel for final season.


According to advance guides, Blue Bloods won’t be shown next Thursday week (Boxing Day). Is it being rested for the Christmas break? This week is S14E7, with 11 episodes remaining in the season.

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CSI Vegas will return later in Feb to Bold for the final 3 episodes

New Blue Bloods will also return

I assume Fire Country aswell?


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