1 News NZ

It’s actually not a bad wee change the 2 headed format (it had become seriously bloated with hosts) - could be a little pacier across the board as a show I reckon though.

And the black and white scheme doesn’t help the on air look.


Agreed, along with the changes to hosts and rundown of the program - i’d have added some colour to the supers and fixed that hideous backdrop.

The panning shots across the augmented parts of the set are okay, but just highlight how empty the studio feels with only two presenters now.

I’d have done away with it, tightened up some of the shots between the two and made it feel a bit cosier.


The music doesn’t work for me. It’s too bloopy and cold sounding for that time of day.

Glad they’ve finally found somewhere to sit, but the studio seems awfully large for two people. The background still also doesn’t feel warm enough for the morning. The side desk looks out of place too.

In general, I think they probably ought to make that studio smaller with warmer tones. The early-2010s era set felt warmer and more cozy than what they have now.

I think AM got most of it right, aside from a few details, before they went all-in on virtual set extensions.


Not sold on the music either. It’s not bad but it doesn’t seem to suit TV1’s breakfast show. It’s very European commercial radio.

I have to wonder when 6pm will have new music/intros? The current package is 10 years old in April. I know revamps happen a lot less these days (lack of funds, ad revenue down across the world) but it seems due a change at some point soon.

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I was thinking about this the other day. The opener especially is looking a bit dated - I’m surprised they’ve never updated the shots in there even just to freshen it up.

As you rightly point out, the lack of funds makes it unlikely to happen any time soon - plus the graphics being updated a couple of years back, but it does feel like a refresh is due.


Agreed - I can’t imagine it would cost that much. They could easily just use library footage if they can’t go out and shoot some new clips. Were they designed internally or externally? If the latter then that might explain why they’ve never been changed.

Music-wise, I wouldn’t mind them going back to a 2008-style theme. I like the current theme but feel it’s kinda run its course now.


Or back the mid 1990s theme music for a 1 News refresh in a future just like ABC News did last year where it used 1986 theme in a new fashioned way

I listened to that last night - it’s probably a bit dated for 2025 in terms of the formalness of the music (NZ has tended to move away to lighter theme music over the years)

I actually don’t mind the music they’ve gone with this year. But in terms of the ticker–way too slow! And the black + white feels too formal and not very warm for a morning show.


I know the timelapses were filmed by small company called Mr Mustard back in 2014/2015.

The original 2015 graphics package was designed by TVNZ Blacksand so in-house job.

It’s been (for lack of a better word) bastardised over the years with various changes here and there.

This was an explainer video discussing the changes and decisions behind them for the 2015 relaunch.


Loved the set they had in this era. Prefer it over the current IMO - should’ve kept the skeleton of it and replaced the individual screens with one videowall.


I really, really liked the 2015 look. It was smart, fresh, clean and just what was needed after years of those big 3D graphics. But you’re right, they messed with it too much and now it’s ruined. I also don’t really like the TVNZ font - the one before was much nicer.


recently it’s been clear that TVNZ are promoting TVNZ+ more than 1News for news content. With this do you think the next graphics refresh they will update it to TVNZ News? They are also using the TVNZ+ channels to promote news content rather than the 1News channels

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This strategy isn’t really a surprise given they almost entirely axed 1News.co.nz last year - they want the TVNZ+ News strand to gain a following.
As for the question around a rebrand to TVNZ News, it is possible given the digital strategy although I’d be careful around ditching a brand like 1 News just yet.


Guyon Espiner fronting Q&A for the next three weeks with Jack Tame on baby watch/parental leave.


Blast from the past! Think the last time he did that show might have been the Paul Holmes days? Back then the host and main interviewer were separate roles and I think (don’t quote me!) Guyon was the usual interviewer.